Throughout 2020, Ipieca led a strategic review to develop its 2021-2024 strategy. The strategy, which includes a new vision, builds on our core role of advancing environmental and social performance to also support the oil and gas industry’s contribution to a net-zero future and the sustainable development agenda.


To advance the oil and gas industry’s environmental and social performance and contribution to the energy transition in the context of sustainable development.


  • Developing, sharing and promoting good practices and solutions
  • Enhancing and communicating knowledge and understanding
  • Engaging members and others in the industry
  • Working in partnership with key stakeholders

Our strategy

Many of the issues addressed by Ipieca are interdependent. Our strategy recognises the importance of addressing issues in a holistic and integrated way, whilst also enabling Ipieca to convene and utilise specific expertise from within our membership and stakeholders to support climate, nature, people and sustainability.


In support of a net-zero future, Ipieca acts as a catalyst to bring experts together to advance members’ contribution to the pathways to a resilient low-emissions future and uphold Ipieca’s position as part of the international dialogue on the energy transition.

  • Lead the engagement on behalf of the membership with the United Nations, including participation in the UNFCCC, IPCC, UNEP, ICAO and dialogue with key stakeholders in support of the Paris Agreement
  • Convene the industry to enable emissions reductions and a positive contribution to the energy transition and the provision of clean, affordable energy through development of good practices and solutions
  • Collaborate with stakeholders including other sectors to explore and enable low-emission pathways and scale up solutions

Ipieca promotes environmentally responsible operations across the oil, gas and alternative energy sector to advance protection of the natural environment, minimise and mitigate risks and impacts from operations and products, and contribute to nature positive outcomes.

  • Lead the engagement with UN agencies and other stakeholders to support international progress on biodiversity, natural capital, water and air quality
  • Further industry expertise and good practice to advance efficient use of natural resources and understanding of nature-related frameworks
  • Leverage member expertise and collaborate with external stakeholders to enable companies to address local and global risks and opportunities associated with climate change such as nature based solutions
  • Facilitate environmental good practice across the energy transition

Ipieca provides global leadership on the interaction between the industry, people and communities by acting as a unique forum to promote high standards and share good practice.

  • Promote high standards and good practice aligned with the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights
  • Convene the industry to advance social performance along the supply chain
  • Lead industry collaboration and engagement with UN agencies and other stakeholders on the just transition

Ipieca provides leadership across oil, gas and renewables activities on integrating sustainability across performance reporting, the Sustainable Development Goals and the supply chain, as well as supporting the sustainable scale up of alternative energy.

  • Bring the sector together to explore, articulate and mobilise the oil and gas industry to align its contribution to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals
  • Play a role for members in relation to the energy transition. This will build on Ipieca’s heritage in convening the global oil and gas industry on environmental and social issues, and its relationship with United Nations and other key stakeholders:
    • Leverage the breadth of Ipieca to support environmental and social good practice throughout the energy transition
    • Increase Ipieca’s level of engagement on the energy transition
  • Enable companies to improve the quality and consistency of their sustainability reporting and encourage uptake of reporting across the industry
  • Help members manage sustainability risks in the supply chain to improve contractor and supplier performance
Marine spill

Ipieca has been working for over 30 years to harness the oil and gas industry’s collective expertise and technology on marine spill preparedness and response.

  • Develop and disseminate good practices to enable the industry and stakeholders to enhance spill preparedness and response globally in support of mitigating environmental and social impacts

Implementing our strategy

We will provide leadership for the global oil and gas industry on advancing climate action, environmental responsibility, social performance and integrating sustainability by:

  • Anticipating - challenges for the industry through increased focus on scanning and assessing emerging issues and developing actions
  • Enabling - the industry to improve its environmental and social performance through greater quality, depth and uptake of good practice
  • Informing - global policy and external stakeholders pro-actively and credibly on environmental and social issues and the industry’s contribution to sustainable development

Learn more in the Ipieca 2021-2024 strategy document

Strategic process

Ipieca operates a four-year strategic plan cycle. In 2020, the Executive Committee led a strategic review towards the development of Ipieca’s 2021-2024 strategy.

Feedback and advice from members and key external stakeholders was sought on Ipieca’s vision and mission, Ipieca’s role in the energy transition, key priorities for the oil and gas industry, and the future of Ipieca. This was achieved through surveys, a stakeholder dialogue, and a stakeholder panel on the energy transition.

The resulting 2021-2024 strategy focuses on supporting our members on their pathways to a low-emissions future while also showcasing how they are contributing to a healthier, more prosperous world.

Stakeholder dialogue

Transparent and open dialogue with stakeholders helps guide Ipieca's work programme and ensures that its activities reflect key sustainability issues for the industry, as well as the views of stakeholders.

Ipieca convened a virtual stakeholder dialogue on 31 March 2020 with nine external stakeholders, drawn from civil society, academia and financial institutions, and ten Ipieca Executive Committee members.

The dialogue focused on stakeholders’ views on:

  • Ipieca’s potential role in the energy transition
  • principles to be included within the Ipieca vision
  • priorities and strategies for Ipieca focus areas
  • how to effectively engage with stakeholders going forward

A full report of the dialogue is available for download here. Reports of previous dialogues are available for 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003, and 2001.

Stakeholder panel: Ipieca's role in the energy transition

Ipieca asked key stakeholders from UN, academia and non-governmental organizations to share their views on how the oil and gas industry can play a role in the energy transition, and what Ipieca can do to support this, as well as how Ipieca can ensure that environmental and social performance continue as key levers of the energy transition.

Panellists shared insights on the technologies, actions and pathways required to achieve the energy transition and recommendations for how Ipieca, its members and the industry can accelerate their development.

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